In an attempt to get Lulu accostumed to traveling in a car, we have been taking her with us in the morning when James drops me off at Metro. Short trips. He bought a crate that we will use for travel (about the same size as her current wire crate but is lighter to carry) but without a divider so it is a huge space for her. Once we get in her in the Escape (sometimes on her own, sometimes James picking her up always with treats) and into the crate the whinning begins. She slumps herself against the front of the crate nearest us. And then the drool starts. The other day I thought she had peed but it turned out to be drool. And lots of it.
This morning I saw it first hand when I had to get a package out of the back of the Escape. The drool was dripping like shoestrings from her mouth and was all of the crate's mesh door. Oh, and she did pee this time in the crate. James had to have had a fabulous time cleaning that up this morning.
So our dog drools in the car. Any suggestions on how to stop it? Or ways to make the car more fun and not a threat?
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