Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Sometime over the weekend I strained my lower back. Not exactly sure what I did that caused this injury just that by Sunday night when I crawled into bed I knew something was wrong. When I woke up Monday morning I could barely get out of bed. I called in sick to work, took the boys to day camp, and then came home to set up shop on the couch with my feet up and the heating pad. When James called me at 0930 I knew I was more uncomfortable than I thought I would be. Turns out he had made me an appointment at DeWitt and was given me fair warning to get ready for a trip to the doctor’s office. All I could do was brush my hair and teeth.

Sure enough the PA said it was a lower back strain and ordered me to bed with some medicine. Since then I have been on the couch with limited movement. Tuesday morning was much better than Monday. And I had more mobility. Today I made the trek into work with every intention of staying there. Within an hour I had made the decision that I would only work 4 hours. And an hour after that I was on the Metro with work in a bag making my way back home while I still could walk up right!

So here I am again. On the couch with an ice pack on my back (a really nifty one that James bought on Monday) and finishing up my last two hours of work. Oh yay. Back problems.

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