Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring has sprung!

Alot has gone on since the last time I posted. So I will update you all in one post.

As many of you know James and I have this on going battle, it's really a skirmish, about his hair. He wants it. I don’t. I fell in love with a bald man and I want to stay married to a bald man! So our compromise is that from April 1st to September 30th he is bald. And October 1st to March 31st he has hair. I would have a photo if I had been home the morning of the 1st when he shaved it. Alas. But most of you know what he looks like without hair anyway!

I went and saw the cherry blossoms at the Tidal Basin on Friday, April 2nd. They had peaked on Wednesday, March 31st. The cherry blossoms are a pretty big deal in the Washington, DC, area. They don’t last very long and when they are in bloom all is right with the world. Check out the rest of the photos here.

James took a short trip up north to say goodbye to our friend Ryan. He has taken a position with a NGO to spend a year in Afghanistan. It will be just as if he were here in the states since he is never far from his facebook page! We wish him the best of luck and will send many care packages. You can see the limited photos James took here.

From April 1, 2010 until April 6, 2010 we lived without a refrigerator. On March 28th we awoke and heard a very strange noise coming from downstairs. It turned out it was the fridge. That night I timed the noise which would run anywhere from 17 to 21 minutes and then would be silent for 13 minutes. It wasn’t until the 7th before a contractor from the home warranty folks arrived to inform us that the compressor was failing. Really? How could you tell? Then another contractor was sent out to confirm what the first guy said. Really? I couldn’t take the noise anymore or the threat of my refrigerator catching on fire, so I bought ice and filled the coolers with as much as I could and recycled and tossed a lot. Molly and Chris were kind enough to offer their freezer for our meat. Wasn’t about to lose that! It wasn’t until Monday, April 5th, that the home warranty folks finally gave us an answer as to what our options were. To make a long story short (too late) I took myself to Lowe’s that night and bought a new fridge. It was delivered the next day and that night I had all my food back where it should be. Long live the bottom mount fridge!

My college roommate Jess delivered a healthy baby boy named William on April 8, 2010. Congrats Jess and Nick!

Jaime decided it was time for a haircut this past weekend. He looks fantastic! And I wish I had taken a photo. But more will come soon since we have the boys for the summer. Yay!

And finally, James was pretty industrious yesterday and built us a new tabletop for our table frame. We lost the original one in 2008 due to a freak storm. Instead of buying a brand new set he built a top. This past winter it took a beating as we didn’t cover it and we couldn’t use it anymore. He is pretty handy when he needs to be.

I'll post the finished product later this week. He still has to stain it.

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