Sunday, October 4, 2009

Williamsburg Scottish Festival 2009

James, the boys, and I traveled to New Kent County, VA, on Saturday to join my family for the Williamsburg Scottish Festival and Celtic Celebration. After the mass confusion upon entering the Rockahock Campgrounds (it took 30 minutes to park....line Nazi anyone?) and getting ripped off with tickets (active duty military members AND their spouses were to receive a discount), Joe said we should leave our troubles at the car and enjoy the day. Wise words from a 10 year old.

The day was filled with wonderful sights, sounds, and smells as we saw the different scottish families, organizations, reenactors, and muscians. It was a lot of fun visiting with family and continuing the boys' introduction to the world of Scottish festivals.

One of our favorite bands, Albannach, was playing that day. How the WSF secured Albannach to play was beyond my comprehension. Their energetic playing and showmanship has made them the most popular Scottish/Celtic band on the East Coast. Joe and Jaime were bouncing to the beat and enjoying the show!

Check out the link under Kodak Gallery Slideshows for all the photos I took.

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