Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Creature of habits....

Routines. We all have them. Some more strict than others I suppose. I secretly envy the strict routine that Sheldon has on "The Big Bang Theory" for the comfort of knowing what will be happening next but knowing that I could never have such a routine. Except for when it comes to the animals. That is a routine that is almost never broken. And it is funny how one house guest can change things.

My sister Nancy is staying with us for a few days and helping James and I out by replacing our 30+ year old outlets and light switches. Gives her something to do and saves us some time. Nancy loves Lulu and Lulu loves Nancy. About as much as she loves our other sister Molly. And it is funny how she loves each of my sisters in a different way. Just like a human even. She knows what she can get away with depending on which sister is around.

So the weekday routine starts at 5:00 AM when I crawl/force myself out of bed to give Lulu a bathroom break, feed all the animals, prepare coffee/lunches for James and I, get James out the door, and then spend the next hour and a half trying to get myself out the door for work. Normally after Lulu has finished her breakfast she'll hang out with me downstairs until I go upstairs and then she is hanging out on the bed having a post-breakfast nap. We always go outside one more time and then back to the kitchen to clean up bowls, coffee pot, and any utensils used to prepare lunch which are the last activities I undertake before leaving for work. Now, Lulu usually hangs out with me while this is happening knowing that as soon as I dry my hands I'll go for the bag of big bones and she knows its time to go in her crate. However, with Nancy staying with us Lulu knows there is going to be a different routine.

This morning as I was cleaning up the kitchen I realized that Lulu wasn't on the first floor. And then I knew exactly where I would find her: outside the door to the guest bedroom waiting to be let in and lifted up onto the bed so she could shower her Aunt Nancy with kisses and settle down for post-breakfast nap #2. And sure enough that is exactly where I found her.

So I opened the door, where she immediately went and put her paws on the bed and looked at me with those "Okay Mom! Lift me up! I get to spend the day with Aunt Nancy!!!" eyes

Such a funny dog.....

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