Monday, April 11, 2011

2 quarts of half and half....not 1 quart

Yesterday we had our friend Laura and her son Sammy over for pizza and homemade ice cream. The boys love the pizza and I thought we would share the good eats. This was our first attempt of the year for homemade ice cream so I had to pull out the ice cream maker and James had to track down bags of ice.

Now, the recipe I use is my from my maternal grandmother's family and I have been eating it since I could walk. It is written down, but it's completely open for variations. My problem was that when it said one to two quarts of half and half for some half baked reason I bought only one quart. It's been over nine months since I made it last! So there was a whole lot of milk in the container.

After an hour the ice cream was still churning. And I knew that wasn't a good sign. We unplugged it and packed it to set up. When James brought it inside we basically had snow cream! Frozen milk that tasted like vanilla. Which wasn't bad, but not what I wanted. Everyone enjoyed it none the less.

It is just the beginning of ice cream season...I'm sure will get it right soon!

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was quite tasty and am looking forward to taste-testing many more batches! :D
