Monday, April 4, 2011

Visitors welcomed....

When I got home on Friday evening there was a car parked in my spot. We have reserved parking so this was a bit interesting. I parked in our neighbor's vacant spot and headed in to see if whom ever was parked in my spot was legitimate. And indeed it was! James' brother-in-law Colin.

The last weekend in March James received a call from Colin who is in South Carolina currently for work. Since he was on the East Coast (he lives in KS with James' sister) he figured he would come up for a night and visit. This past weekend was decided upon but then James didn't mention anything else for the remainder of the week. So it was a nice surprise to see him. We went out to dinner and then bundled up out back with a fire.

I made waffles for breakfast on Saturday and then he was off heading south. It was so nice to see him when we normally only see Colin in the may lay that is Bartlett family holidays in NY.

This just goes to show that the House of Bartlett-Kerr is always open for visitors. We have a comfortable bed, clean sheets, a dog that will lick you, and cats that will for the most part leave you alone!

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